Category Archives: Charity Events

International Festival 2014


Hello Everyone! The countdown is on: in a week from today we will be settimg up our tent  at the International Festival in Javea. We will be selling typical malagache products, “Dzama Tsara” (rum cocktail), fruit sticks which you can dip in…to our chocolate fountain and banana flambe with ice-cream. All money raised is 100% for our humanitarian projects in Madagascar. Looking forward to see you all next week and welcome you at our Madagascar stand!.

Flashback: Zumbathon in Herschbach

Zumba-Parta (27) Zumba-Parta (28)

Our Charity Zumbathon has been a great success! We hoped for 40-50 people and were amazed by the amount of people who came. Besides the seven Zumba-Intructors, who came free of charge, we had a total of 85 participants who danced for Madagascar. We also had visitors who watched while enjoying a beer or one of our home-made cocktails. It was a great atmosphere and many people danced right till the end.
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Zumba-Party Herschbach

We would like to invite you to our first Zumbathon! Everyone is welcome to dance and party with us for the people in Madagascar. The entrance fee is €10,00 which will go to 100% to our projects to support the poor. Looking forward to see you on the 8th February starting at 18:00 in the Sportshall in Herschbach. The Zumbathon will take approx. 3 hours followed by some nice food and drinks. See you there!


“Vide Grenier Javea”

Our first event 2014: on the 18/01 we will be selling beautiful plants at the Vide Grenier on the Arenal in Javea (opposite Café Wien). All money raised will go 100 towards our projects to help people on Madagascar. Hope to see you all there! Let’s make it a good start to the new year!

(If it rains the market will be postponed a week to the 25/01/2014)
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